About Cordero's Journey

Where is Corderos Journey's Ministry coming from.

To be honest it started as way to identify our family's adventures. Our children were always part of everything that we did in church. Our journeys taught us how to serve others, spend quality time together and above all things, how to worship God in everything we do.

Gio started traveling to Latin America and the Caribbean to support Exploradores del Rey, and he became part of the team that have been working for more that 15 years in establishing the ministry in new countries, training leaders and bringing unity to the region.

Now Cordero's Journey is not only about our family adventures (that still continue), but have become a ministry with the goal of impacting children and youth lives through Royal Rangers.

Our Mission

From a very early age, God called Gio and Evy to the mission field. Evy grew up in the church her great-grandparents founded in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico and Gio came to the Lord in the same church, through the Royal Rangers ministry at the age of 13.

Their first missions trip was to El Salvador in 1997. This trip definitely changed their lives as they were able to minister on the streets, schools, neighborhoods and churches.

They got married in 1998 and began working as a couple with the Royal Rangers Ministry of the AG Hispanic Church in Springfield, Massachusetts. Later, upon moving to Florida, Gio was invited to work with the Exploradores del Rey (Royal Rangers) of Latin America and the Caribbean. Since 2008 he has been traveling to that region of the world while Evy has helped with translations and educational presentations at various events. God has now called them to work full time for all nations and in March 2023 they were commissioned to work with Royal Rangers International.